Beloved Musician Corinne Allal dies aged 69
BAC bids farewell to a unique Israeli artist of immense influence on Israeli popular culture
Tunisian born Corinne Allal was an Israeli superstar and cultural icon. She was Israel’s quintessential female rock star, never shying away from complex and blunt messages. She was a pioneer of independent female musical creation, as she stood centre-stage with an electric guitar.
The singer cancelled a number of shows in 2023 due to medical issues, later revealing she had pancreatic cancer. She has since returned to the stage and also gave a deeply moving performance at Beit Avi Chai last April.
After a long battle with cancer, Allal passed away at the age of 69. She is survived by her partner Ruti, their two children, and her many fans.
Read about Corinne Allal’s recent appearance at Beit Avi Chai here.
Read about Corinne Allal’s career here.
Photo credit: Maoz Vistoch for Beit Avi Chai
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