When my Sister Grew Wings


Every night, Tali Ben Armon’s little brother would come into her room and together they would be swept into a work of color, drawing and imagination.

In memory of Tali Ben Armon

A day after she helped to foil a terrorist penetration into Israel Tali Ben Armon was killed in a terrorist attack
27th of Heshvan 5742 (November 23, 1981) – 16th of Tishrei 5762 (October 4, 2001)

Tali Ben Armon was the oldest daughter of Shoshana and Moshe and sister to Danny, Netah and Gil. From her childhood onward, Tali was always active and full of life. She loved to dance and draw. Her love of drawing continued all through school and she specialized in art in high school. Tali spent much of her free time drawing and her parents’ house is full of her paintings and drawings. She drew and illustrated humorous characters and more than anything she loved to draw cartoon characters. 


Gil Ben Armon, little brother to Tali Ben Armon z”l, describes his childhood memories, how each night he would come to her room and together they would be swept away to a world of color, drawing and imagination



One thing was more important than anything else to Tali – to be a good person. She loved to share her doubts with other people and she was ready to listen, to get advice and only then to make a decision. She loved her family and especially her sister and two brothers. Every time she was away from home for a few days she would return with a little gift for each of them. She showered love on her friends as well and every note or letter was signed with her unique words of love. 

In May 2000, she joined the army and served in the Intelligence Corps as a lookout on the northern border. Her commander wrote that: “Tali did her job with dedication and on the highest level and as a result she was chosen as an instructor for the lookouts course.” In order to become a course instructor, she planned to sign up for the professional army. 


When my Sister Grew Wings
Tali Ben Armon z"l


On October 3, 2001, Tali helped to foil a terrorist penetration. In recognition of her performance during the incident, she received a commendation from the Head of the Northern Command, General Gabi Ashkenazi. The certificate was awarded to Tali’s parents since she was killed a day later in a terrorist attack on Bus #842 on her way home. On her gravestone is written: “Rest, my flower – rest my little girl.”

Behind the scenes

Sharon Gazit, Pil Animations

When we were contacted by Beit Avi Chai, as we were every year, we did not know whether we would succeed in creating a clip for this important project. 
But the moment we were given the story of Tali Ben Armon z”l, we didn’t need more than a fraction of a second to decide that we are in. Tali is a relative and her family is dear to us. And if from all the stories, hers was the first to be sent to us to have a look at, then that is a coincidence that can’t be ignored. 

Gil, Tali’s younger brother, who in the meantime had grown into a charming and special person, chose to tell about a “little” memory, but one that would successfully reflect Tali – a girl who was all heart, love and talent. In the clip, we have tried to present the relationship between Tali and her family, which is represented by Gal, by way of the connection that is preserved even in the transition from the real world to the imaginary world of drawing that she so loved.


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