Jerusalem in Rabbinic Literature:

מתוך: The Three Weeks

Rabbinic literature provides a broad range of images for Jerusalem. Some sages imagined the city as the ideal rabbinic community, others embraced hopes for a "heavenly Jerusalem." These and other images of a Jerusalem will serve as the focus of our third lecture, just days before the 9th of Av, commemorating the fall of the ancient capital of the Jewish people.






Please register in advance here for our live,

free of charge, webinar

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The Three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B'Av are traditionally devoted to studying and remembering the destruction of the Temples and are periods of mourning in Jewish history.

This series will focus on issues relating to the historical period surrounding the destruction of the Second Temple




Please register in advance here for our live, free of charge, webinar


Jerusalem in Rabbinic Literature: Image and Reality


Wed | July 22
  6pm (11am EST) 

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Ancient Versions and Responses to 'Post-Zionism'



Wed | July 15
 6pm (11am EST) 

Bacs 3d register

 Jewish Zealots and Zealotry in Antiquity - Heroes or Villains?


Wed | July 8 
  6pm (11am EST) 

Bacs 3d register




עוד בבית אבי חי